Nov 18, 2016

Posted in Data Archive, Press (논문, 학회지, 수상 소식 등), 논문 / Papers, 신기술&신제품

An Integrated Evaluation of Productivity, Cost and CO2 Emission between Prefabricated and Conventional 유럽 ​​컵 베팅 예측Columns [Journal of Cleaner Production](2016.11)


2016-12-21 08;01;14


– 저 자 : 정재욱, 홍태훈, 지창윤, 김지민, 이민현, 정광복, 이승환
The off-site prefabrication construction method offers several advantages that have positioned it as a good alternative to the conventional method. Recently in South Korea, a form-latticed prefabricated steel reinforced concrete (Form-LPSRC) column was invented as substitute for a conventional steel reinforced concrete (SRC) 2024년 유럽 컵 베팅 확률column. This study evaluates the productivity, cost, and CO2 emission of Form-LPSRC column with those of SRC column through a case study. Two factory projects utilizing same-size Form-LPSRC and SRC columns are studied. In addition, Web-CYCLONE simulation and equation-based methods are utilized to calculate the productivity, cost, and CO2 emission of the two column methods. In particular, Web-CYCLONE simulation is used for considering the idle time during the construction process. The Form-LPSRC 2024 유럽컵 축구 경기 베팅column improved productivity by 42.5% and provided costs savings of 1.32% compared with the SRC column. Thus, the Form-LPSRC column is excellent for projects where construction duration and cost are of utmost importance. However, the CO2 emission of the Form-LPSRC column is 72.18% higher than that of the SRC column.